Pharmacology - Wikipedia
Pharmacology, a biomedical science, deals with the research, discovery, and characterization of chemicals which show biological effects and the elucidation of cellular and organismal function in relation to these chemicals.
1. Introduction to Pharmacology – Principles of Pharmacology – Study Guide
Pharmacology: the study of interaction of drugs with living systems. Where is the molecular site of action? What are the body function changes caused by a drug (pharmacodynamics)? What is the relationship between the Dose vs. Effect? How does a drug produce its effect? What is the fate of the drug once it enters the body (pharmacokinetics)?
Pharmacology - Definition, History, Major and Career - Biology Dictionary
Pharmacology is the study of drugs including their origins, history, uses, and properties. It mainly focuses on the actions of drugs on the body. A drug is defined a substance that is used to treat, cure, or prevent a disease or otherwise enhance physical or mental health.
Pharmacology | Drug Development, Clinical Trials & Therapeutics ...
Pharmacology, branch of medicine that deals with the interaction of drugs with the systems and processes of living animals, in particular, the mechanisms of drug action as well as the therapeutic and other uses of the drug.
1.2: Introduction to Pharmacology - Medicine LibreTexts
Pharmacology (Gr. pharmakon - a drug or poison, logos - word or discourse) is the science dealing with actions of drugs on the body (pharmacodynamics) and the fate of drugs in the body (pharmacokinetics).
Principles of Pharmacology – Study Guide – Open Textbook
Introduction to Pharmacology. 2. Introduction to Drug-Receptor Interactions and Pharmacodynamics. 3. Factors Contributing to Drug Effect. 4. Pharmacological Descriptors of Drug-Receptor Interactions. 5. Drug Action vs. Drug Effect. 6. Characteristics of Drug-Receptor Interactions: 7. Response to Excessive and Reduced Stimulation of Receptors: 8.
Pharmacology - Karger Publishers
Pharmacology is an international journal committed to sharing the latest findings, news, and concepts pertaining to drug discovery, development, and therapy.
What is pharmacology? | British Pharmacological Society - BPS
Pharmacology is the study of how medicines work and how they affect our bodies. The word ‘pharmacology’ comes from the ancient Greek words pharmakon (meaning ‘drug’) and logia (meaning ’knowledge of’).
What is Pharmacology? - Department of Pharmacology
In the broadest sense, pharmacology is the study of how chemical agents, both natural and synthetic (i.e., drugs) affect biological systems. This encompasses investigation of the derivation, chemical properties, physiological and behavioral effects, mechanisms of action, biological transformations, and the therapeutic and non-therapeutic uses ...
Pharmacology -
Pharmacology is the study of the action of drugs on a biologic system. It incorporates components of medicine and biology, and how they interact with each other.